Today, president Trump surprises a couple taking engagement photos at his Marlago resort in Palm Beach Florida, and wishes them well.congratulations to the lucky couple
— AIM (@AbdullaAlmazied) February 18, 2021
Goodnight everyone!
Please remember to pray for our President and his family, for our brave military keeping us safe, for America and the world to be freed from oppression by evil monsters, for those still asleep in their illusion of reality to start waking up faster and faster, for any child still in Satan’s custody to be rescued quickly, and for weary Patriots all over the world to remain faithful and strong. We will not give in to tyranny!
Please especially pray for those who are in situations where there is no heat or water in this bitter cold. Finally, pray for and encourage each other. The saying “Where We Go One, We Go All” isn’t Judy a catchy phrase. It is truth! We are all connected.
I hope you have a restful night with only good dreams. You are all in my prayers every night. I love you!
The function of temptation is always to trigger a choice and provoke a definite stand or action. Temptation forces us to make a difficult and important decision. – If we disobey what we know to be the right thing to do and commit an act of disobedience, it becomes easier psychologically to repeat the same choices in the future, however, doing the right thing establishes a pattern for mature and wise decisions in the future.
This study is an attempt at giving a clear answer to the question of “Why Does God Allow Temptation?” It views temptation not as something to be avoided, but as an integral part of God’s plan – based on an explanation of temptation on the “Law of the Four P’s” that states that God gives us a PROMISE that is linked to a PRINCIPLE (or condition), followed by a PROBLEM (temptation), leading to a PROVISION. Temptation, therefore, is the point of which man decides whether or not to obey God’s Word and receive the consequent provision.
Why God allows Temptation?
I have asked myself this question, "If God did not want us to do, A, B, or C, then why create A, B, or C? Why make something only to then tell us, not to do it? To answer this question, in my opinion, is this. All good things come from God above and the only thing He would not allow us to have, say, or do, is something which would go against everything He is; God has no part of Sin or temptation, yet He allows us to be tempted in order to see,
1 Will we choose to do the right thing.
In His holy word He allows us to know what the right things to do are; do not lie, cheat, steal, kill, commit adultery, fornicate with false idols, etc. It is up to us, whether we will remember what He has told us and then to do it. A lot of people will say, "The Devil made me do it."; I'm asking, did he really, or did you decide on your own, to do it? Yes, the Devil presents the issue, but he does not and can not, physically make you do anything; he has no physical control over your eyes, your ears, your voice, your hands or your feet. So they next time we allow ourselves, me included, to do something we know we shouldn't, let's not give Satan credit for it, he doesn't deserve anything; let us realize and accept it was by our choice we did that which we chose to do.
2. To grow us stronger.
Like a body builder you have to exercise, in this instance, your strength and faith in God, to get you through the moment of wanting to do something you know you should not do. Temptations will arise, they always do, but this is when you need to stop and ask God, to give you the strength you need: to walk away, to close your mouth, to switch the t.v. or to close a book you know you should not read. Allow your consciousness to guide you, for it is the Holy Spirit which dwells inside you
Let's begin with Lesson one from the PDF I had posted earlier, (pg 2- 8)
What is the purpose of temptation?
The Old Testament Prophet Hosea, speaking for God, cried out, “My people perish for lack of knowledge" What is knowledge; knowledge is the act of knowing and learning a set of principles; which in this case, is found only in the Holy Word of the Bible.
Think of the Bible as a Road map; like a map, it has routes which leads you to a destination; the Bible has rules which will lead us into eternity with Christ and Heaven.
How do we connect a road map with temptation? Which each temptation we come to, when we make the right choice, is one more mile closer to Heaven; it is when we make the wrong choice we end up lost and looking for a way to turn around in order to head back in the right direction.
"Temptation shows us what we are and where we stand; and it plays an important role in what we will be in the future! Temptation is a factor in the psychological and spiritual growth process everyone must go through if we are to become mature individuals, capable of living a full and meaningful life."
Satan is not going to tempt someone who is already his, so when we are tempted, this is our validation of God's ownership of us; remember Christ also was lead out into the Wilderness to be tempted by the devil for 40 days.
😍 😘 After observing how customers in a store paid with money and then got cookies, a dog from Golombia has to collect leaves in his mouth and give them to the cashier. The staff decided to play the game and now the dog comes every day and buys cookies.
US COMMS.. My heart is 💔and the hearts of those Q woke up, are with you today as always.. Much Love & may your Father finally Rest in Peace knowing what he started has come to fruition. I am eternally grateful for his and your entire family's sacrifices and for Q, that we may all choose, to be truly free