Im going to address Israel/Jews ... I did extensive research into all of this....the Jews in Israel are not Hebrews (though there is a remnant) ..they are khazars, arab jews/babylon. Rothschilds created the state of Israel 70+ years ago...Roths evil lineage goes back to Nimrod. When Babylon conquered Israel, they enslaved the Hebrews and dispersed them across the globe, some escaped and some were used as slaves in Israel.
Would you be shocked if you found out your ancestors way back were actually these Hebrews? The 12 Tribes...well I certainly was when I discovered it ..and I traced mine back to Spain, then back to the Tribe of Benjamin...because of persecution by ALL countries, they had to hide the fact they were Jews.
This is why the Bible tells you of God's people returning to Israel in the end times...and why the Books of Ezekiel/John/Isaiah warns of Israel's will be the "fake jews" destruction...and who Trump is going after.
The Book of Revelation 2:9 ... I know thy works, and tribulation, and poverty, (but thou art rich) and I know the blasphemy of them which say they are Jews, and are not, but are the synagogue of Satan.
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