We, the People, have NO government...
it has been bought by corporations
--that's how they "own" things.
I, unvaccinated Person, will hang out with someone that has measles.
You, vaccinated Person, hang out with someone that has measles.
Okay? And Go!
If the technology isn't Sustainable and "Organic"; or, best yet, made by Nature, then the technology is a luxury that We could NEVER afford.
Nature offers the True technologies... Natures' miracles of growing food, shelter, clothing, medicine, "tools" and musical instruments for ALL Life.
Nature *OWNS* Earth and ALL Life. YOU exist because SHE Provides Your Needs, the Needs for All Life.
Lesson Learned: The harm We Do to Earth, Harms All Life! Live in Balance with Earth because Our Actions effect All Life.
Yet, driven by fear and ignorance, humanity continues to consume the fake MANufactured technologies of DEATH from greedy, dishonest and arrogant tribe of many blood sucking parasites... WHY???
Politics and Economics are considered sciences, but belong in the fiction or religion section of the library instead.