I personally would not have written the caption like it is qritten but i had to leave it as is due to it tells what it is ..
Personally, unlike the democrats, i dont think anyone is a victim in todays world therefore people in this generation should not receive reparations from slavery years ago. It is a part of history that many events took us from that time and era and moved ua forward but thanjs to all the want free handouts they have just set us back further in time.
Soon To Be Banned With EO By Trump .....
Joshua Potash @JoshuaPotash
Today in Hollywood people stormed a CNN building with Pizzagate and QAnon signs chanting SAVE THE CHILDEN. Can’t make this stuff up.
NEW: Judicial Watch Sues DC Mayor over Black Lives Matter Street Mural!
#arrestblm #georgesorosdncfundedblmterroristgroup #arrestgeorgesoros