But with this dark we have been in we are coming to the light. And this a glorious light that God has shone upon the earth for us to bask in and send the evil scurrying A show of biblical proportions is something to have a front row seat to and we do so enjoy it ?
I will be back later to answer comments messages and housekeeping. Have a great night everyone?
Well kids this is gonna be short today I need to take care of Sadie, been having some rough times has new braces I put two videos up on drop.space today if you would like to see her learning to use the front braces hop on over.
So anyway gonna close out like I always do. I have to do tons of research for this site, others and in what videos I put up on drop.spcae and youtube. I think I get a pretty rounded sample of the pulse and the going ons out there,
So I feel comfortable in saying can you, feel it? This is coming to a head soon. We are already seeing dominoes tipping so just a little push and they all will fall only lucky ones will be those that have something to offer and never were involved with Children in any of the ways we all know of that so many evil I do not want to call them people are involved in I mean Hollywood alone there were some actors there I really admired their work some of my favorite movies they are in and now I have trouble watching any movie. I just can't believe what I have uncovered seen and learned and I have to think that it is all for a reason we would not be everything from just bothered to down right traumatized and changed by what we know now unless God had a plan and a reason for us all to wake up. So trust it That is the best thing we can do TRUST GOD TRUST TRUMP TRUST Q
Maxine Waters holds yet another impeachment rally...