Vaccines are toxic. It is higher the probability to die of cancer in the future due to a vaccine than for Covid-19! I am a naturopath and anti-aging coach, So I know that our bodies can destroy "easily" this virus with the right nutrients and habits. I do not read conspiracy, I read every day about herbs and natural remedies and it is very prepotent and abusive that laws going to be used to obligate people to intoxicate their bloodstream ! I am wondering how good money will make all these people obligating the ignorants to take vaccines while there are natural remedies created by GOD through nature to all ailments. The pharmaceutical companies copy from the plants those compounds to make their toxic products and they maintain the society ignorant about this fact to make their millionaire business successful. In nature is the solution to all ailments. I invite everyone to read my blog with valuable information for preventing and cure any disease naturally, with tips that you can use to make your dreams happen...
Why is cancer one of the deadliest diseases?
Because people don't prevent it, use the following article to learn how to easily avoid it.
I just came from the future and Trump will be the next president of America again! It is nice because Biden is pro-Covid19 manipulation !