Nearly 20 years ago the country, was united. We worked together, we grieved as one and held each others hands when we were scared. I could not drive down the road without seeing the American Flag proudly displayed: on houses, on cars and on buildings. Not today.
Today we are being divided by the very people that are supposed to love and take care of this county; the great American soldiers who are fighting for us, some even loosing their lives, are preparing to return to a country that is a mirror image of the countries they have been fighting in. The freedom they are dying for others to have will be taken from them. This saddens me so.
What is it going to take for us to get back to the way it was all those years ago; people loving one another, helping one another, praying for one another?
I want to give thanks to all of the soldiers that have given us the freedom we have today, who have sacrificed greatly for this country. May God bless you and keep you.