Hi all. I am new to this platform.
Transferring from Facebook. Need some help.
My Profile pic keeps disappearing, and I can't create a group. I write all the details and press save but no group is created.
I Have a group on Facebook and want to get everyone over to this platform.
The Corona virus is chemical warfare to reduce the population by the elite of the world. Hindsight is 2020.
We have yet to see the worst of how we are being manipulated with lies and fear. They are succeeding in dividing us and now they attack in as many ways as possible. And, while we are all distracted by the lack of toilet paper, they continue their agendas to gain more control over us. Next time you pay attention most of your nest egg will be gone and there will be nothing you can do about it.
The biggest insurance companies are going to escape with the last of the bailout money and all we will have left is each other. But, you see, we are so much more powerful than the evil forces about to be exposed, we are an awakened collective conscious.
For those that have unplugged from the Matrix and see the truths of what is going on in the world, whether spiritually, politically and conspiracy.
For those who are waking up and starting to question what we are being told, seeing the grey area and realising that everything is not just white and black.
We need to wake people up and make them realise they are living in a world of lies and deceit. make them see how they are being controlled an manipulated.
We will be challenged from those who are too stuck in the 3d, too afraid to open their eyes and see truth, to consumed by panic and fear.
So what can you do? How can you contribute? Knowledge is Power. Plant the seeds to awaken the masses.
Whether they believe you or not, whether they call you crazy and a conspiracy theorist, Keep planting those seeds.
This is a Revolution. FOLLOW THE WHITE RABBIT