Cuba, así de simple. Educación gratis y barbarie tambien gratis.
Cuba, so simple. Education free and free tambiens barbarity.
By Ignacio Giménez Cuba
??When it writes, many forget that I am lawyer and that the priority of the proofs I achieve is to give the to independent judges outside of the island. Good, because now write of somewhat that fond of 35.000 Cuban inside and outside and that many know to secure the truth of which say....
??I am beginning to enthuse me with my possible intervention in the steps to guarantee the collection of a multimillionaire heritage by blockading count of the rate in the exterior. and I am impassioning me because you know how make it...
??to beginnings of XVII century it reached to Cuba Andrés Manso of Contreras. A from you descendant of Bartolomé name is married a century after with Josepha of Loyola, belonging to an owning family of rich earthes in the center of the island...
??They had a male child and three daughters that decided be nuns of confinement. They confined in the convent of clear female saint and there hid the received heritage to the death of your consistent parents in several coffers of replete iron of golden slugs and jewels...
??For fear to the pirates, in 1776 sent your treasure to the England bench that valued at it the equivalent to thirty millions of dollars of the time and awarded a five by the hundreds of annual interest... They passed more than 200 years without that that deposit had movement someone and was more than two centuries accumulating interests...
??Today that fortune is estimated in a few 300.000 millions of dollars that the Cuban rate goes by hiding to 35.000 Cuban heirs to the ones that lies with brazenness...
??25.000 cubans have searched for files, registers, birth certificates... to accredit as heirs, and other ten thousand say is inheriting of the Loyola descendants of the noted Josepha and relations of saint Ignatius. In a word, 35.000 Cuban for 300.000 millions of dollars...
??A few years ago it ran the rumor that the rate gave to each heir it marries and cart more a bank card with the available thing of 350 dollars monthly... Somebody believed to the rate. Great error in which I never will fall...
??Therefore am begun me to impassion with this. Thousands of heirs want negotiate with the tyranny. I not. I want blockade accounts of the tyrants in the exterior to make an appropriation sufficient to return to the legitimate heirs...
??A few monthes ago, already wrote of an operation of guaranteed with an endorsement important blockade for slugs in an English bench. Now it compares that operation with which am explaining and see an operation of transfer on the side of the deposit in 1999 to name of a type that represented to the rate and that went defenestrado little after.
??It is the connection. Already it will enlarge why secure it, but the type is the ex Robertico Robaina chancellor. Those of the image it accompanies to this text near Fidel...
??Already you know that Robaina after opened some palate and began to begin to ripen... and it exposed your works in Panama coinciding with movements from a bench of the Rothschild family, first proprietress of the today bench of England, the Italian bench Orfola, and the dispatches that after proved to be the main engagement of the Panama papers.
??While many legitimate inheriting go ingenuously waiting somewhat of the rate, the tyrants move all this fortune in wells of petroleum, cement kilns and hotels, between other things, in twenty-six different countries...
??Already it says, is beginning me to interest a lot of all this and know which way nip in the bud the profit for the tyrants of all this multimillionaire rapturous heritage...
??If help to share me in groups and we increase the diffusion of this writing, will see how appear tenth of heirs that know all this. With someone are in contacts because believe can achieve a great victory...
circulate in the video nets of polices in Cuba by arresting to a woman with a baby in hands
The video of a few Cuban polices by arresting to a young mother while loading to your baby of scarcely monthes have circulated the nets by infuriating thousands of cubans.
The video was published for the Yusnaby Pérez journalist, but detail where happened the incident.
In the same can thirty points each see polices struggling with a woman and your child in hands, to make it it enters to the cart of patrol.
The motives of the fact still disavow, but is unavoidable to repudiate this type of used methods for the Cuban police, to do practice the law in tub
So be it as the revolutionary Castro police repress to a mother with baby in hands? #i will see you soon
« all know that the polices in Cuba ( 98 % ) are the peoples that for your intellectual capacitances could not make other run. That wants say that they are of scarce cultural and educational level.», dijo Randy Aguiar.
« there is god and for k it went all this? nobody asks k pass in order that did this? although not justified it wanted knowledge because pass this?», it said it elides Perez.
« God mine is who is the reason there is not justification someone to commit such barbarity. It is a mamma with your drinks so chiquitico in hands and the police treating the with violence cornbread, facts as this is repudiableses and sad more is to see as the whole world it watched and nobody went capable of take part in in the presence of such atrocity.Please we do not leave to be things as thesing to happen.», comentó Massiel Mariño Leyva.
Circula en las redes video de policías en Cuba arrestando a una mujer con un bebé en brazos
El video de unos policías cubanos arrestando a una joven madre mientras cargaba a su bebé de apenas meses ha circulado las redes enfureciendo a miles de cubanos.
El video fue publicado por el periodista Yusnaby Pérez, pero no detalla donde sucedió el incidente.
En el mismo se puede ver a dos policías forcejeando con una mujer y su niño en brazos, para hacerla entrar al carro de patrulla.
Los motivos del hecho aún se desconocen, pero es inevitable repudiar este tipo de métodos utilizados por la policía cubana, para hacer ejercer la ley en Cuba.
Así es como la policía revolucionaria castrista reprime a una madre con bebé en brazos… #cuba
«Todos sabemos que los policías en Cuba (98%) son las personas que por sus capacidades intelectuales no pudieron hacer otra carrera. Eso quiere decir que ellos son de escaso nivel cultural y educativo.», dijo Randy Aguiar.
«Hay dios y por k fue todo esto?¿ nadie pregunta k paso para que hicieran esto? aunque no lo justificó quisiera saber porque paso esto ?», dijo Elida Perez.
«Dios mío sea cual sea la razón no hay justificación alguna para cometer tal barbarie.Es una mamá con su bebe tan chiquitico en brazos y la Policía tratándola con tanta violencia, hechos como esto son repudiables y lo más triste es ver como todo el mundo miraba y nadie fue capaz de intervenir ante tal atrocidad.Por favor no dejemos que cosas como estas sucedan.», comentó Massiel Mariño Leyva.