after todays Facebook screwiness and because of its constant spying, and censoring, i implore get your friends or followers from other social media to join this or MEWE because a new social network is only going to be as good as we make it. it is up to us to start a truth and transparent network where we can continue to spread truth without being monitored and censored or use as a tool for the DARK AGENDA. there are no adds or fake news stories on these. sure its newer and still has bugs but thats how anything starts. the point is that times are changing and a collective of humanitys thoughts are in the GREAT AWAKENING. so please join and share this link to as many as you can. lets rebuild our freedom starting on what we are used to. LETS CONNECT HUMANITY THE RIGHT WAY !
Facebook has everything copyrighted to make them the "ELITE " which is exactly what humanity wants to get rid of ? all TECH MASTERS, its up to you to makea new network the new TRUTH telling WE THE PEOPLE OWNING network there is ! im only good at one thing and that RED PILLING people and i cant do that if im held back, if we are all held back from our freedom.