#biden It was all political but the people who support the fraudulent clone will never admit it I bet
Message 1/23/2021 PART 1: As I drove to the ocean I tuned into the energy and immediately saw golden crystalline, diamond light showering the planet. This light is like the grand finale in a fireworks display when all of the beautiful fireworks are shown together illuminating the sky with multicolored lights. This cocktail of light frequencies entering the planet are here to remove all obstacles in the way of us living from our authentic selves. This is the energy saying to us, “Wake up. Wake up.” it is time to live from the spirit, the authentic self within.
Next I heard what sounded like the commander in a space station talking to an astronaut aboard a mission. I heard the words’ “Restrictions have been lifted.” It felt like the mission of these frequencies to lift any restrictions that have prevented us from living as our authentic selves has been completed. Now that these restrictions have totally been removed we can blossom with the flower of life frequency of our spirits and live from this energy.
The second image I am shown is of an angel holding a flagpole with a flag waving wildly in the strong wind that I hear is in the north pole. She then plants the flagpole into the ground. The planting of this flag represents the anchoring of an important frequency. I hear this space is now cleared.
The third image I see is of the Blessed Mother, the female aspect of the Creator. I see her in the sky where she is dressed in white. She is here to give us the energy of reconciliation of the self through self forgiveness and acceptance. She says when we embody self acceptance and let any areas where we did not forgive ourselves release, we will experience peace like we have never experienced before. This lack of forgiveness of self is in the way of accepting the self and of self love. It is so important we connect to the love within. The divine feminine is here in such strong energy to tell us it is time to let go of anything in the way of loving the self. She sends us beautiful bouquets of Easter lilies representing divine grace, divine forgiveness, divine self acceptance and love. She asks that you open up to the bountiful love around you and learn to live from this frequency.
Sitting by the ocean I look out at the water. I noticed the water is moving swiftly in one direction with the common goal of moving towards the shore. The surface of the water is bathed in the most beautiful radiant white silver light. This wave direction represents the unification of humanity. When we work together towards a common goal and flow together like the waves in the ocean towards the shore, we can then live in the realm of unlimited possibilities.
Tuning into the energy I hear, “Ah yes, we are with you in the sky above filling humanity with the frequencies of love. Yes we are poetic today for we are sending cocktails of love in order to open the hearts of those who have closed their heart centers due to traumatic circumstances, relationship difficulties or any other areas in which they experienced hurt in their heart centers. We are scaffolding on the love energy of the Creator by adding a love mixture to the cocktails of frequencies we are sending into the planet. It is so important for you to wake up to who you are. You are not simply the physical being you see when you look in the mirror. We see some of you are so hard on yourselves focusing on your faults, your past transgressions and the hardships of life. Although we realize life in the third dimensional sphere of reality has its challenges we would like you to see beyond those. We would like you to see your potential in capabilities that are beyond the scope of the 3D world and are indeed unlimited.
The Magnitude Of Change that’s going to happen world wide Is mind blowing ! From finances to Medicine , hidden Tech and Humanity projects , ending hunger , Trafficking ! What a time to be alive and it’s an absolute pleasure to share when you all ! God Bless 🙏