I'm at a total lose...this dictator dan is tearing my family apart at the seams. I can't go to ballarat, i have my daughter, mrs working. I am surrounded by the unwoken! The baby boomers are selling us down the river again. I recently tore a family relation a new arsehole because he thought the preg mother should pay the price. I am really noticing, my wife also, we are engaging in a cognitive dissonance vaccum....people are really worried about our state of mind, you can see it! They think we're lunatics. Now my wife is reading me the riot act about ceasing social media and to come back to our family, get happy again, live in the now!!! Jesus lord, god father... I don't even know what or how or who...and i never bought that bible. This is my fight, i can't sit back and watch others putting their life on the line for this country.