This is going to slip through the net if YOU DO NOT PAY ATTENTION. CV Vaccine
By the 18th of September the government via the Link below wishes to hear public opinion on the release of a C19 vaccine by the end of the year.
They sneak this through without letting the public know they want (
Distributing vaccines and treatments for COVID-19 and flu
The little seed was fast asleep, when he was placed into the ground
He had no real awareness, that darkness was all around
Then one day something stirred, within his very heart
And he woke up to the realisation, that of everything he was a part
Magic began to happen, with this new found connection
All the while he was growing, he pondered on this reflection
Surrounded by light beings, the Fairies and the Gnomes
And Nature Angels who all sent their nurturing energies, to him in his cosy home
Loving him awake, and cradling him in their arms
Whispering words of wisdom, and singing enchanted charms
Soon the little seed began, to sprout a tiny shoot
That reached right up for all it was worth, while down went his tiny roots
So that he was grounded, while he traversed up through the soil
Pushing through any obstacles, he forged ahead and toiled
At last his hard work paid off, up through the surface he arrived
The light was dazzling, oh so bright, a new world before his eyes
The sunshine warmed his little heart, the dewdrops tickled his new leaves
Everyone should take this journey, he thought, in themselves they just have to believe...
We are all like the the little seed, we've been buried in the darkness for so long
That it's become 'the norm' for us, now we are realising something's wrong
They believed that they could bury us, and keep us from the light
But what they forgot is seeds grow in the dark, and to flourish is our Divine right..