The only "minimum" wage should be the one YOU AGREE TO WORK FOR. Minimum wage jobs are intended to be ENTRY level jobs, not a job where you stay your whole life and try to raise kids, buy a home, and a car. If you force a business to pay a dishwasher at a restaurant $15/hr when his labor is only worth $8/hr to remain profitable, guess whose hours will be cut, and whose job will likely go away or never be created in the first place. If the dishwasher gets laid off because his labor isn't worth $15/hr, guess who will have to pick up the slack. The wait staff and others will have to do much more work, so it isn't much of a pay raise.
Then there is the overall economic impact of increasing the COST of labor. To remain profitable, a business will have to raise rates or cut costs. When the burger flipper goes from $8/hr to $15 artificially, either your $3 hamburger goes to $5, which will reduce the number of burgers sold and lead to a vicious circle of layoffs and business closings, or the burger flipper will be replaced with robo-burger, and the cashiers will be replaced with automated kiosks because once installed they are basically a fixed cost, they don't call in sick, and they're never late for work.
Also notice that the big names in the tech industry are supporting a higher minimum wage because they KNOW it will lead to people buying the products THEY ARE DEVELOPOING. Do you see the lobbying problem here?