--New Feature--
If you just want to see 'Original Content' only, you can now filter out Reposts. This will reduce duplicate posts and promote comments/views/follows to the original poster.
Just added the "Share Comment" feature. Going to fix a bug in Notifications next. Then going to give you the option to view the timeline to just see Original Content and filter out the reposts.
I could not have said this better myself. Thank you James Woods. Let's take care of our citizens first. Can we also please put more focus on our veterans vs. the ones who BROKE THE LAW and entered our country ILLEGALLY? Let's take care of our veterans who sacrificed for our country. It's a tragedy what we have done. Let's take care of our citizens first. #[5635]
I could not have said this better myself. Thank you James Woods. Can we please put more focus on our veterans vs. the ones who BROKE THE LAW and entered our country ILLEGALLY? Let's take care of our veterans who sacrificed for our country. It's a tragedy what we have done. #[5635] #[5636]
Yes, Victory!
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