'Military Training Exercises' near one of the busiest ports in the West Coast? Long beach. And according to the fake news reporter that looks heavily constipated, these activities to last throught the week? Incidentally, this has also created significant congestion of ships tha5 are now holed up just outside of the harbor. So, this was reported on Jan 15. Anyone buying this narrative? Im not. Why? Well for one, I dont think the Military would conduct a week long drill with live ammo and an influx of seemingly endless numbers of soldiers being choppered in at a place that could cause the public and the shipping industry a massive stall in business and convenience. Unless of course this IS NOT A DRILL.
Night Stalker MH-6 Drops Off Soldiers in Long Beach | Military.com
Trump supporters were trying to get the police to protect the US Capitol, but they just stood there and did nothing Capitol Police Stood Down https://youtu.be/7lQVW_ERmg4 via @YouTube