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Soros Triples Election Spending, Pouring $70 Million Into 2020 Efforts

Liberal billionaire George Soros has funneled nearly $70 million into the 2020 elections, tripling his previous record, new filings show.

The Democracy PAC, a super PAC created by Soros to fund left-wing groups working to defeat Republicans, has poured $68.5 million into electoral efforts this cycle, according to the Federal Election Commission. That sum is $46 million more than Soros's previous high of $22 million, which came during the last presidential cycle.
The billionaire has amplified his election spending as deep-pocketed donors attempt to oust Trump from office and flip control of the Senate to Democrats. Soros's cash is part of a spending blitz that has primarily benefited Joe Biden. So far this cycle, outside spending has exceeded $1 billion and is on track to shatter previous records.


Invallen bij Franse (ex-)ministers vanwege aanpak coronapandemie

In Frankrijk heeft de politie woningen van politici en topambtenaren doorzocht. De doorzoekingen waren in verband met een onderzoek naar de aanpak van de coronacrisis door de Franse regering.
In alle vroegte werden invallen gedaan in de woningen van onder anderen oud-premier Édouard Philippe, de huidige minister van Volksgezondheid Olivier Verán en diens voorganger Agnès Buzyn. Hun telefoons en computers zijn in beslag genomen, zowel zakelijk als privé. Ook het kantoor van Verán is doorzocht.

Invallen bij Franse (ex-)ministers vanwege aanpak coronapandemie -


CloneJET PCR Cloning

The Thermo Scientific CloneJET PCR Cloning Kit is a versatile, advanced positive selection system for high-efficiency cloning of PCR products. Ligation into the positive selection vector takes only five minutes, yielding more than 99% recombinant clones. All common laboratory E.coli strains can be directly transformed with the ligation product. The CloneJET PCR Cloning Kit is also available as a combo kit provided with DH10B competent cells.

Fast–clone PCR products in as little as 5 minutes
Versatile–use with phosphorylated or non-phosphorylated DNA fragments and with either blunt-end or sticky-end PCR products
Efficient–generate more than 99% of positive recombinant clones with no cloning background
Economical–eliminate the need for expensive blue/white screening
Compatible–transform directly into all common E. coli strains including TOP10 and XL1- Blue

CloneJET PCR Cloning Kit | Thermo Fisher Scientific - DE

Thermo Scientific CloneJET PCR Cloning Kit is a versatile positive selection system for high-efficiency cloning of PCR products generated with any thermostable DNA polymerase. Clone any blunt or sticky-end DNA fragment whether DNA fragments are phosp
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