When we know that we know, what we know comes from an infinite source of knowing, then we know, that we know ourselves, at our core. ?
But again what is our core?
Hey I’m Marie Ireland and I love to help those feeling a bit lost or unsure of their Soul’s True Purpose but yearning for it, so I am creating a new space where we can live a life of freedom.
I believe that when a person is aligned to their true calling they are feeling fulfilled and living a life they love and deserve.
I Love to inspire others, making a difference and creating a ripple effect.
So Back to what is our core?
If we are an infinate ray ? or energy that is always eminating into frequencies that we can not grasp any comprehension on, then how can we know further than what we can comprehend. Interesting subject really...
My understanding of this is we cannot know something if we dont ALLOW ourselves to look outside of our limited conditioning. But we can LEARN to know what we dont know.
How does one do that? ?
We open our heart ? and shut our minds for a moment so our energy can breath through our entire being with the pureness of source to allow our consciousoness to stand a chance in awakening.
And How do we do this? ?
You get present, you stop the noise of all external being and FEEL within your heart of who you really are.
When we shut out all external energies and look at the space between our body's cellular DNA, thoughts and feelings we begin to see the space that we emimate in. This space is our truth, our source or all knowing. The place in which we know truth. Nothing else exists except TRUTH. There is nothing in that space that can even be an opposite as that space is purely emanating as is, as OUR consciousness of PURE intelligence.
Each one of us are that space. We just need to know it, and experience it. ???
If you resonate, have we connected Yet?