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What is the [DS] #Occult meaning behind the Radiohead song & video entitled "Weird Fishes"?

(cf) #BlackMagick/ #Witchcraft
"But as you have already heard that many and various things are generated and quickened out of putrefaction, so you should know that from different herbs, by a process of putrefaction, animals are produced, as those who have experience of such matters are aware. Here, too, you should learn that such animals as are produced in and by putrefaction do all of them contain some poison and are venomous ; but one contains far more and more potent virus than another, and one is in one form, another in another, as you see in the case of serpents, toads, frogs, basilisks, spiders, bees, ants, and many worms, such as canker-worms, in locusts, and other creatures, all of which are produced out of putrefaction. For many monsters are produced amongst animals. There are those monsters, too, which are not produced by putrefaction, but are made by art in the glass, as has been said, since they often appear in very wonderful form and horrible aspect ; frequently, for instance, with many heads, many feet, or many tails, and of diverse colours ; sometimes worms with fishes' tails or birds' wings, and other unwonted shapes, the like of which one had never before seen. It is not, therefore, only animals which have no parents, or are born from parents unlike themselves, that are called monsters, but those which are produced in other ways."

"The eyes are useless when the mind is blind"