
I am speaking a prophetic word out that justice is coming long-overdue justice for a just balance is Yah’s delight and he hates robbery and wrongdoing, that everything hidden is being revealed everything in darkness is being brought to the Light. Speaking comfort, solace, encouragement, resolve and tenacity for President Trump in this fight. And that the Shalom which passes understanding be his portion and that he is guarded and guided and the spirit of wisdom be upon him and he be equipped for the battle - but also know that the battle is Yah’s and the victory is ours. That he be surrounded by godly mature counsel and that only those that are there by Divine right and purpose have his ear and all other voices be made mute. Prayer Baruch upon President Trump and Melania and his family and also Mike Pence and his family and all the patriots that are on the front line of this battle between good and evil . That they be surrounded by mighty warring angels. I plead the blood of Yahshua upon them, upon the White House and any and all places they go. I pray confusion and chaos in the camp of the enemy and they turn on one another till there isn’t one left standing. I pray that President Trump be carried on the prayers of those standing in the gap and he be lifted up above the storm by all those that are standing with him in prayer, that he feels these prayers and he draw strength from them, I pray for a great outpouring continue in every place where fraud and deception was perpetrated on us citizens, that the people that turned out for spontaneous demonstrations from one side of the United States to the other come out in force for a peaceful demonstrations of their support and love for President Trump and the rule of law and honesty and integrity and justice in Yahushua name
