Update from Charlie Ward.
President Trump signed the documents for NESARA/GESARA on March 3, 2021.
According to Charlie, we are very close to revaluing the financial system, to a global currency reset.
We're a few days away from that.
From the patriot:
I have nothing to add to these statements except "Hallelujah" and " Glory to the Lord." Trillions of prayers, affirmations, meditations, and dreams are about to manifest! So it is.
Thank you Q-Team, thank you, President Trump, thank you, brave military soldiers who have saved children for the last 4 years, thank you to all the White Hats!
Charlie Ward:
▪️On March 3, Trump signed the documents on NESARA/GESARA. So, now it's happening and very active! Everything that goes on behind the scenes is now fully revealed. We're a few days away from that.
I had a round table with the leading experts of the quantum financial system. I am now very close to them, and they are going to tell me what I can talk about, and what needs to be kept secret for now. When we get through this, the money won't matter…
I think they'll let Biden bring down the stock market, so you can say: "Look what he did! We had a healthy economy, but you let that monkey in!»
▪️This is pretty close. I won't say too much, but it's very close... This week or next week, what I'm talking about will happen. March madness is real.
▪️You WILL HAVE cash. The Federal Reserve system is transferred to the Treasury, so the Treasury will control all processes. We won't call it the Federal Reserve, it will be the Treasury. The Federal Reserve was a private corporation.
As far as I understand, I don't know everything, but Donald Trump never wanted to punish the poor. Most poor people in China, India, and Africa don't have bank accounts. There will be cash, banknotes and coins.
We can not say that in the future everything will change dramatically in terms of the usual perception of money, but remember about the USN, which is a banknote and a US coin. So, you will have banknotes and coins included in the new system.