4 years ago - Translate


I never thought, honestly, this would ever need to be said in a space like this (and don't worry, there are other spaces I'll need to post this as well) but I get that some have a visceral reaction to my tarot, oracle and rune readings. I get it. They don't resonate with some of you and the fact that I have a difference in theology than you upsets you.

If you're looking for an apology, that won't be coming

If you're looking for a convert, that won't either.

I get where some of you are coming from. And I also believe it's total bullshit. The visceral reaction you're having right now is the fact that you're not secure in your own faith. That's not my problem. Not in the least.

I am, though. I've never been happier, more at peace with myself and with things around me and I'm hardly threatened by you or your religion. I don't go after your religion. If anything, I've spoken up for your religion and the free practice thereof. Why? Because I Don't Fucking Burn Books.

It's all right there. Do some of you enjoy having someone on your side even if they don't share the same faith? Really consider that. I've made it a point to really impress that the only "side" I am on is that of the Constitution and Bill of Rights. That's it. I'm not Republican. I am not a fucking Democrat either. I don't have party loyalty. That Constitution is the standard for me. If a candidate for any public office sides against it, they're not qualified for office. It's that goddamn simple for me.

You are on a site that champions the First Amendment Protections of Religion, Speech, The Press and The Right To Peaceable Assembly As Well As Petitioning The Government For A Redress of Grievances.

And I still see some of you who think my religion is the antithesis of that. You're threatened by cards and my fucking interpretations of them. Your faith isn't strong at all so you make pathetic attempts at tearing mine down. Well, I have a few things to say about that.

1. It's gonna fucking hurt when Yahweh comes back to find you in his seat and he's gonna sweep your ass out. That's a long way down.

2. Being a polytheist, if my gods exist, then so do yours and that's fine but if Yahweh is going to be the one that holds me to account for the details of my life, guess who that's between...Spoilers...Me...And...Yahweh. Not me and you

3. You won't be allowed to compare yourself to me when you're up in front of him and vice versa.

4. It's evident some of you have never read your Bibles and, if you have, you've cherry-picked your own book to death. Some of you make the majority of Christians I hang out with look like flakes and that's your fault.

5. Remember...It's YOUR religion that requires you to turn the other cheek, not mine.

Solution: If you don't like what I do, fine. Block me and move on. If any part of me has you all jacked up to the point where you can't continue our friendship, fine. Block me and move on but understand a couple of things.

1. That door is one way. You leave. Never return. You won't be allowed in, nor will you be trusted with anything I have ever again. Our thing is done and for good. If you can't respect the friendship or working partnership over something I'm not requiring you to believe or practice, then you won't in the future either. You probably never did anyway.

2. If you decide to stay, you do so with the understanding that I'll have to accept things about you with which I don't agree and vice versa.

The choice is yours; Accept that I'm here exercising my rights, same as you and that I support those rights or go. Leave my list, block me, move on and we part ways.

Admittedly the shit I've caught, I just don't have time for. I have other shit to do. Tarot's gonna keep happening. I will always Heill Odinn and all of the other Aesir and Vanir gods. That's my faith. Deal with it how you like.

My conversion will not put you in a better standing with Yahweh. Ever. It also won't happen.

That's as clear as I can make it. Fuck, read my goddamn bio, it's why I put "Norse Pagan" in there. You didn't think I was just fucking around, did you?

Practice your religion. Post your Bible passages. Just know I'll be doing the same and occasionally posting Havamal quotes. You do you, I'm absolutely going to do me. Permission, consent and approval...not required, nor sought.

Heill Odinn.