
1 month ago

So, Global warming,

New advances will soon push solar panels across the 40% efficiency mark. That;s good news right?

In the last 1M years, Earth has spent 800,000 of them in ice ages. That was spread over 10 ice ages and 10 warm eras like we are in now. We have been in the current warm era (Holocene) for ~11,000 years. Warm eras only tend to last 10,000 to 30,000 years. For the people in the back, that means we are increasingly likely to enter an ice age any time now. Earth only spends 20% of its time humanly habitable. This is well known too, which is why warm eras are called inter-glacial periods.

I'll say this plainly. The organizations that are pushing to stop global warming are intentionally, knowingly, deliberately pure evil. They intend to kill billions by accelerating to the next ice age. The ignorant masses who support them must provide immense diabolical pleasure for the masters that own their minds. Feel free to verify any statements here. Its all available in the open. I expect its more sadistically humorous that way.