My personal opinion about why David Jacob's seemed shocked when asked certain questions has changed. I don't think he was threatened and told to shut up. I now believe he realized something that is even more incomprehensible and unbelievable than the idea that hybrid aliens live among us undetected.
My conclusion now is that jumping off of Facebook and going to WEGO is a waste of time and energy....using a smartphone is dangerous....using any form of electronic communication is a deadly mistake. Its not that no one understood my message...that's not it....the problem stems from electronic communication.
Look at Q....look at the cryptic coded actions of the presidential sigil on the would think he would just come right out and announce what we already know to be the truth....its not because the timing would be off...its not that....its the electronic device factor again....I can't emphasize it enough. If you have a smartphone where you can't take the battery out....get rid of it. Get a stupid flip phone...they still sell them.
I can't reveal my discoveries....the Trumpster isn't gonna tell us what we need to hear....he's going to dance around the issues the same way he's been doing since the beginning....cryptic codes....Q riddles....nothing is going to change. His popularity is waning because they expect him to come right out with it and reveal the scumbags....ain't gonna happen.
Turn off your computer....turn off your smartphone....go outside in the'll figure it out.
Someone I know was financially wiped out by the lockdown, he applied for bankruptcy. They said it would cost $ 35,000. That means it would cost $ 35,000 to prove that you don't have $ 35,000.
I was thinking if he sued them for $ 35,000 and won....he could then pay them back the $ 35,000 to get bankruptcy and prove that he never had the $ 35,000 in the first place.
Planet Earth In Glitch Mode
I made an excellent video today called Planet Earth In Glitch Mode....its almost 19 minutes long...too big to post here. I wanted everyone to see it....its the best one I've done so far. Its about an energetic phenomena that's happening throughout the whole world....physical objects morphing into something else right in front of your eyes. The unsolvable conflict that is going on between the 2 opposing perspectives is what is causing the force energy in opposition to death energy.
You can still see the video if you send me an email. I won't reveal your email here on WEGO. You can post your comments here if you choose to do so. Send an email to :