? The Plan to Depopulate 95% of the World! Before starting to study this plan, Shoshi Herscu, an independent journalist, imagined that the UN was sincere and ineffective in many areas, but he could barely believe what his research revealed: the UN is downright devilish for putting to the point of a program as well planned to depopulate the planet. It seemed too exaggerated to seize at this time by discovering each one separately. By assembling them, she discovers an unacknowledged agenda, masked as a plan beneficial to humanity, but it is actually the opposite. It's a well-designed lie, created to circumvent our attention. The result is the removal of national sovereignty and the strengthening of the power of the United Nations to gradually take control of national policies. The real UN goal of Agenda 21 and 2030 is to establish a world government, a global economic system and a world religion. When former UN Secretary-General Ban Ki-Moon spoke of the "dream of a world of peace and dignity for all", it is the same as when the Communists promised the people a " workers' paradise ". ?