Could someone please tell me where the Q posts are? My PC was recently attacked by ransomware and I had to reload everything. Lost my Bookmarks. I thought it was something like but that isn't right.
these pages are laoding slow sometimes i get a bad gateway message Kobayashi is the site being updated again?
I can't believe any of the wonderful ladies on here got kicked off Twitter 5 times like I did! You all seem way too nice!!!
- Harassing ✔️
- Rioting ✔️
- Burning ✔️
- Beating ✔️
- Murdering ✔️
- Censoring ✔️
- Tracking/Lincoln project ✔️
- iIncrease Threatening ✔️
- Closing their business, bank, video accounts, game accounts, employment opportunities) ✔️
- Taking arms/protection TBA
- Capture TBA
- Re-education/Death TBA
Well folks, I'm seeing issues with Gab this morning. Any news? Or will they be the next target of the left cancel culture.