The illegals traveled thousands of mile, survived starvation, dehydration, abuse, robbery, rape, and murder etc….. and now the Pornokrats don’t want them in Sanctuary Cities. I guess it’s “That’s just not who we are as a nation.” all of a sudden. Well hell, let’s just move the immigration judges and courts to the Sanctuary Cities then. Park busses outside detention centers with big signs on the sides - San Francisco - Chicago - New York….. They have to be released into the general public, let them chose wisely.
Dear Heavenly Father, in Jesus name forgive us of our sins. Lord help us to look to you more than we do our phones, tablets, pc’s and tv’s. To ask you more than we do our friends, fb friends and family. To listen for and to You alone. To pray to you for everything. To say "thy will be done" and mean it. Mean that we trust you to keep us from it or bring us to it. You are our expert, Teacher, Shepherd, Guardian, Counselor, Governor, Prince and King. Let us not waste a single 1440 minutes we are given daily. Not wasted on wants, worry, obsessions, addiction, regret, hate, anger, sin, or defeat. Please Jehovah change in us what causes us to forget You. Your grace, protection, forgiveness, provision, comfort and love. Cement Your love in our hearts. Tame our tongue to speak in an uplifting way to others and ourselves. Let us be reminded to pray for one another. Pray for our enemies. Pray for this world. Lead us to those we can help to find You. To find the truth. Place roadblocks in front of those who plot evil. Free those held against their will. Soften the hearts and open the eyes of our enemies. Forgive us for living ungrateful lives. For holding grudges. For not giving and then giving some more. For God so loved the world. Help us to look at each person, each race as a child of God. Guide our leaders to help U.S. and help others while keeping us from harm. To God be The Glory forever and ever. The ransom paid is sufficient. We will not ask Jesus to hang again or longer. We claim the victory that awaits us. On earth as it is in heaven today, now. Thank You Abba. We love you too. Send a legion of angels to guard our President and his family. Cover Q and the trusted few. Bless every anon, page admins and all of Q nation. Every follower and true believer in WWG1WGA. Cover our police, firemen, secret service, national guard, border patrol, ice agents, military, first responders, coast guard, the space force and all of their their families. Bless them in their professions as they protect and serve. God bless Israel~amen & amen.
Man I need this! Thank You Father. Hebrews 6:15
And so after waiting patiently, Abraham received what was promised.
Say this out loud but replace Abraham, with your name!
The greatest story ever told is about you too, it is for us. Speak His Word over your life. “Joy comes in the morning” “Lazarus, come out” “Daughter your faith has healed you” And God said, “let there be light” and there was light. THERE IS POWER IN THE WORD!!!!!! Speak His words, to Him, over every situation. His word cannot return void. Receive your inheritance in Jesus name-amen. God loves you and so do i!