James Clapper Deflects on AG Barr’s Spygate Probe: We’re “Losing Sight” of Russian Interference – Accuses Bill Barr of Playing Politics. No James, AG Barr isn't playing politics, he's doing something called enforcing "The Rule of Law" #[684] #[214] #[476] #[552] #[71] #[10]
Lots more coming out on the market manipulation of gold and silver prices. Are we getting prepared for a Gold Standard? Vincent Kennedy Kobayashi #[58] #[9]
What is it with our Reserve Bank......cannot even sure to watch the clip at the bottom of the article. No Ragrets. Vincent Kennedy @Kobayasi #[58] #[9]
If [They] cannot kill us one way they will do it in another........V Vincent Kennedy Kobayashi #[58] #[9]