Watch Ocasio Cortez Says Trump Supporters Are Too Stupid To Know They Are Racist
Anyone experiencing some weird things?-
Here are a few things that have happened to me just In the last 24 hours.
-Seems like what I am THINKING is now being shown in ADS-I am not speaking about them out loud -. Below is one of many examples:
-Yesterday - I pulled into a parking lot and saw a girl with flowers across the way - she was putting them next to a lamppost - I realized that it was for a loved one that probably got killed in a car accident in that spot. The minute after I saw this a commercial came on the radio for car accident deaths and to call a lawyer.
-Next commercial was for flowers???? Coincidence.
-Yesterday I had a discussion about Alexander Graham Bell for some reason???- this conversation I wasn't thinking about and spoke, this morning in the cryptic puzzles that I decoded - the Author of the Puzzle was Alexander Graham Bell.
Strange things....