William Barrett
William Barrett
Bannon’s War Room: Mike Lindell Clears Up Cyber Symposium Controversy – Patriot Legislators Form Election Integrity Caucus https://www.thegatewaypundit.c....om/2021/08/bannons-w
Here's a guy attacked by his own government on 9/11 who has to sit watch the trash called Capital police........
The DEMONS have done “NOTHING” for America but “DESTROYED” it! Our “COUNTRY” is “DETERIORATING” at a “FAST” paced starting with the “BORDER!” 😡😡👇
JUST IN - SAGE, the UK's health "expert panel," warns next Covid "super mutant variant" could kill up to one in three people, and the "vaccine roll-out may even speed up mutant strain's emergence."
SAGE report published today: