Thank You Michael Jaco--what a pleasure to hear two highly gifted Americans talk about our future!!! Juan o7 my wife & me Love all of your thoughts towards us and the help that you provide is legendary!!! You are a brother that raises the bar in friendship and Honor, Praise God for your heart...Thank you both for all that you do. And know this everything that you do for the least of God's children is not only a jewel on your crown, but you lift up others to succeed in their faith and life! God bless TRUMP2Q2Q WIN!!! WWG1WGA!!! Than k you Jesus for the US Military!!! HOOAH!!!
Gene Decode! Gauteng Underground Bases. B2T Show Mar 1, 2021 (IS)
I'm not alone in questioning things now..there are lots of people on anonup and other sites who are also leery of his speech today and worrying about people dying NOW....I THINK WE NEED TO DISCUSS THIS IN COURTEOUS AND LOVING WAYS....SOME, LIKE ME, NEED AN INSIGHT INTO THE PLAN....
Co Sensei64
SEND A CARD TO Trump saying you voted for him; TO: 1100 S. Central Blvd., Palm Beach, FL 33480. This will be used as evidence against the cabal!!!!