Chem trails are nothing new, nor is the mkultra programming machine which caused fear of the belief in the facts. (Fear of ridicule). Chem trails were first introduced into our skies in the 60s. Their motives were to learn how to control a large population, either by sterilization or energy mood or behaviors, they even tried to make the masses sick as an experiment in chemical warfare which proved ineffective as they were unable to control wind and seldom were they able to cause much damage this way. Which led to experiments in weather modification in the 70s by dropping various minerals or chemical combinations. This was marginally successful, today they use other things to control weather. But the chemtrail program continued throughout the 80s until present. Why? What else could they possibly be doing if the other experiments were a failure anyway.... they are spraying the same substances as what they use for sky writing. It is not to hurt the population or control weather. They are trying to hide certain things. Things which can only be seen at dawn or dusk. Thus the increased haze is to block certain things from view in certain areas.
This has to STOP! And we ALL need to fight it!
I'm watching all Trump supporters..
Maga anons reporters and the rest...
I'm quite sickened.
.trust the's that going...goalposts keep moving's that working..we got mixed restrooms for our kids..
I'm a Christian and I've been known to do a bit of q research.
Let's vote ...well we already proved that's not gonna work.
Courts...corrupt or afraid to act..
Politicians well thats a joke..
Military...good ppl but command changed 1.20
So quit waiting for someone else to save you stop crying over what Biden is doing..
We have to save ourselves before we are devoiced unarmed and shackled..we need to use all our tools and organize some kind of plan to save our kids our church our country and ourselves..
GOOD DAY EVERYONE FROM ALL OVER THE WORLD! I allowed yesterday to play with my emotions! Its a brand new day! I woke up and get to make it better than yesterday! ✝️GOD ALWAYS WINS!✝️😊❤💫🇱🇷🇮🇹🇱🇷🇮🇹🇱🇷✝️✝️🕉⚛☪️♒
For those of you who need reassurance, HERE YOU GO!!
Juan O'Savin tells it like it is.
WARNING: Language