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Q mentioned The Queen (Hillary) and The King (Obama) in Q post 4281 (, and how military intelligence is mapping out a gameplan to save THE KING FOR LAST by getting to THE QUEEN (Hillary Clinton)
The more I thought about it, the more I realized that Hillary is old news. She is yesterday's headlines. She was just a stooge of the Illuminati. Not a bloodline descendant? Or was she? So I looked up her lineage.
Here is what I found.
Here are some of the famous kin that I found in Clinton's family tree: Pierre and Justin Trudeau (yes the Canadian Trudeau dynasty), Celine Dion, Chris Pratt, Kelsey Grammar, Jim Carrey, John Cena, Justin Bieber, Madonna, Melissa Benoist (Super Girl), and Bridget Fonda, (…)
Do you notice how there are many famous Hollywood celebrities? There is however no royalty. Now you understand the deep love that Hollywood had for Hillary in 2016.... that love in many instance ran blood deep.
The tune changes drastically when we look at Obama's bloodlines. Some of his royal relatives are as follows: Edward 1: King of England, Henry III King of England, Louis VI, King of France, William The Conqueror (King of England), Robert I, King of France, Alfred The Great, King of the Anglo-Saxons, Charlemagne, King of The Franks, Free Mason and former President James Madison, former President Lyndon B. Johnson, Robert E Lee, Elizabeth 1, Queen of England, President Jimmy Carter, JP Morgan Jr. and even DICK CHENEY! (…)
When you study the Illuminati and their royal bloodlines, you begin to understand that royal blood outweighs anything else. You are given these positions of power by birthright.
This clearly proves why Q military intelligence is hinting at Obama being a KING.... because he has royal Illuminati/elite lineage in his veins, with connections to European royal dynasties as well as several U.S. presidential and elite U.S. banking lineages as well.
How about Donald Trump? He has absolutely no famous kin whatsoever. (…)
Now we understand why Q referred to Obama as THE KING.... and now we understand why the Illuminati, the mainstream media, and nearly all of Hollywood vehemently hate Donald Trump. Because he is not part of their elite Illuminati club.