from my facebook So about me in this …………………………………………… small box. Hmmmm... those that know …………………………………………… me know I do not do small boxes- as a …………………………………………… writer I write and write and write. Well I …………………………………………… am a lot of things a mother of two grown …………………………………………… sons. A retired show breeder of …………………………………………… Labradors that my bloodline still runs in …………………………………………… the veins of dogs all over the world and I …………………………………………… hope my look does as well. A rescuer of …………………………………………… two and four footed lost souls, all my life. …………………………………………… An artist that can make anything and …………………………………………… work in too many mediums to count that …………………………………………… loves to make things for good causes …………………………………………… and those I love. I love to bake …………………………………………… and make pretty cakes and cookies a lot my …………………………………………… own recipes Sadie’s mom from 2005- …………………………………………… yes you can have a four legged black …………………………………………… child. Sissy’s mom who is Sadie’s toy …………………………………………… poodle who joined us in 2017 so another …………………………………………… black child. Jack’s wife, I am so lucky …………………………………………… God sent me to him, him to me. As of …………………………………………… March 1, 62 and both parents are gone, …………………………………………… First mom 5/26/2013. I told my brothers ..…………………………………………… Mike and Scott we are now orphans as ..…………………………………………… of 11/25/15 when we lost dad too I am …………………………………………… of Jewish and Christen and American …………………………………………… Indian heritage Cherokee and more. I …………………………………………… am someone who loves God and lucky …………………………………………… me he returns it tenfold. I also love his …………………………………………… son and he me. Still a Conservative …………………………………………… dreamer who longs for the country that …………………………………………… our founders drafted into our …………………………………………… Constitution, and Bill of Rights. The one I …………………………………………… thought I grew up in. But age and the …………………………………………… wisdom it brings have made me realize …………………………………………… we never lived in that country, but the …………………………………………… dreamer in me can always hope to. A …………………………………………… writer: Words are a constant in my life a …………………………………………… refuge in sorrow my celebration in joy …………………………………………… (mom’s wonderful word I now embrace …………………………………………… so dearly since she passed) A means to …………………………………………… teach, and gently educate in things like …………………………………………… Rescue, a way to connect, and my …………………………………………… favorite medium of all in which I create …………………………………………… not only the world I sometimes long to …………………………………………… escape to but am humbled by those that …………………………………………… wish to come along into my stories and …………………………………………… my words with me, as my readers. To …………………………………………… Add in 2016, a supporter of Donald …………………………………………… Trump since the 80’s. A believer in God …………………………………………… has chosen him and protects him. I am a …………………………………………… follower of the Q movement, thanks to …………………………………………… my brother Scott for introducing us to Q …………………………………………… when it all started, also a researcher and …………………………………………… contributor, in that movement. Come join …………………………………………… us. And someone who loves to help …………………………………………… others. That is a just little bit about me. ……………………………………………