Message 2/11/2021 PART 2: 13. was wrapped much like a mummy. This kept humanity from experiencing their divinity. Consequently, they looked to the dark overlords as we call them, of their world for instructions as how to live life. This is to be no more. The wrappings from the mummified state have been
14. released and now humanity is able to freely access their divinity. However, for many the issue of neural programming, the patterning of their conscious mind is the factor limiting access to their natural state of divinity. Because so many live on a track of thought that circles
15. around and around and around, the pattern of conscious programming gets stuck on a circular path in which there is no observable exit. There are those who are so deeply entrenched in their programming that they do not desire change and are stuck on the track and no amount
16. of incoming frequencies or information is going to change their consciousness. However, this represents a very small percentage of the population. There are a much greater number of individuals who are stuck in the programming who will change levels of consciousness with the
17. appropriate eye opening information. We see this happening every day when many learn a piece of information or pick up a new energetic that allows them to begin to live from a
heightened state of consciousness. This is why we ask you to have hope for humanity
because there is
18. pliability in the programming. There is an access point, slightly different among individuals, that will invite them to get them off of the repetitive track of thought, to awaken to new levels of consciousness. We assure those of you who are wayshowers & light bearers
19. for humanity that shining your light and being a beacon for others does make a difference. We would ask you to continue to live in the positive vibration of hope because by BEing in this emotion you are changing the world in a positive way. We ask that you continue to look
20. within for answers to all. Spend time in the inner sanctum of the heart, the tabernacle where you will experience the highest resonant frequency of the golden Christed self. We ask that you begin to live from this vibration. Do not get entrenched in the worries of the conscious
21. mind aligned to the 3D world. This worry can be easily overridden with the power of the Christed self. We ask you to remember this. We ask you to remember your power as divine children of the light. We ask you to remember your truth as a child of Divine Creator who has
22. gifted you with abilities to create a world in which all good is possible. You simply have to remember this and live from the golden Chrsited frequencies, the divine harmonics of the Creator. When you do so you are part of the group of conscious souls who are bringing forth
23. the golden age of love. We are here with you always, your support crew, your biggest fans, your cosmic family. We love you and are sending you and your families blessings, blessings and more blessings. We bid you well on this day. The Pleiadians”
Message 1/29/2021 PART 1 (posted 1 day late): As I drove to the ocean I tuned into the energy and immediately saw the frequencies of pure consciousness. This frequency is different in the sense that instead of being a stream of light as I have seen in other types of frequencies, this energy is like points of consciousness, points of energy flowing all around me. This is the energy of instant manifestation, of spiritual direction, the energy of the inner compass manifesting outside of us so that we can create our world. It is so important during this time that we choose to focus on positive thoughts for those thoughts we are thinking will more quickly manifest now then in previous times.
The second image I see is a woman skating. She skates upon a reflective sheet of ice that is mirroring her divinity. I see bouquets of flowers being thrown onto the ice to indicate she is skating to perfection. She is like an Olympic athlete who scores a perfect 10. However, in this case she is being awarded for the perfection of living from her divinity aligned to the mirrored light of the Creator within.
The third image I am shown is a red carpet. This new and improved red carpet is for us. We are walking on the red carpet of spiritual mastery as we transition from living a life centered in the ego, to a life living from the heart. This is the life of divinity. The golden award we receive is that of the gold frequency of the Creator obtained through communion with our divine self, communion with the Creator on the infinite field of consciousness.
Next I hear the word powwow and see a Native American male dancing. I hear this powwow is one of a collective gathering of the galactics. The Native American ancestors are calling in the star tribes from all of creation. I can feel their presence. They are here with us ready to celebrate the transformation of humanity and the planet to light.
Sitting by the ocean I see the beach grass bending in a specific direction from the strong wind. Despite the fact gusts of wind are battering the beach grass, the roots of this plant keep it firmly anchored in the ground. This is relevant to our spiritual mission at this critical point, to stand firm in our spiritual integrity and light and as the winds of change continue to blow around us, we remain steadfast and calm, rooted in our divinity.
Tuning into the energy I hear, “Ah yes we are with you here today in the sky above you noticing your radiant light and the light of others on the earth who came here to volunteer to be the lightbearers, the wayshowers for others. We congratulate you all on your mission as it is one that you can’t directly see the effects or the impact of. Because there are so many you are positively influencing, you will never know the impact of the light you are shining out to others.
Yours is a critical mission at this point in the awakening process for there are some who have given up. There are some who cannot see that the future is so incredibly bright and filled with goodness that they sink downward into a spiral of depression, anxiety and a sense of foreboding that the future will not be one that is good. From our vantage point and ability to see into the future, we can assure you that in fact it is true there is so much good in store for humanity. Take our word there are major positive changes ahead. Humanity just needs to get through this last hurdle in the race, this last obstacle confronting them and when they have moved beyond the turbulence of this part of the flight and land, they reach a destination of great beauty.
This is why we are speaking to you. You needed a reminder as to how critically important your mission is at this juncture to uplift and shine a beacon of truth in a brilliant array of heart centered loving light to others. This will assist them so they can spiral upward and begin to see the world with new eyes and realize that life is indeed changing for the better.
Message 1/22/2021 PART 2: What happened is the same story: the darkness did everything in their power to block your access to anything that was of the Creator. The result they desired was that humanity looked to them instead for knowledge and in doing so, unwittingly gave their power away to the darkness. They reversed the engineering of the template of the Creator by creating distraction, disruption and illusion. We say that this no longer exists. There has been so much work done by the incoming frequencies provided to humanity from yours truly and other heavenly beings, that have served to release the restrictions preventing you from gaining access to the knowledge within.
You see, you’ve always had access to this knowledge and truth. However, the darkness took you on an illusionary pathway in which they made you forget that you had this knowledge. They put you into a state of sleepiness, forgetfulness and unknowingness. We say this is to be no longer. You are awake now. You have the ability to live from the power, the knowledge, the love, the wisdom and truth that is within. This is living in your light as your divine self.
Humanity is beginning to walk in uncharted territory lined in gold. This new era for humanity, the new age of enlightenment is one of unlimited possibilities. It is one in which you remember yourself as children of the light, children of the Divine Creator who are capable of creating a reality that is of goodness and of light. This is what the future holds for you. It is so close, so close to being realized that indeed your feet are actually in this new world. It’s just that there are many who have to get the neural programming to be switched away from the reality of the illusion of the darkness and turned on into the reality of the new world, the truth of who they are. This truth has been with them always but they forgot the golden code. This is why you hear the term awakening over and over again because it is truly what is occurring. It is a remembrance of the self, a remembrance of the connection with the Creator, of the connection with each other and with all life on earth and in the cosmos. It is an awakening to the divinity of all.
We are here always in the sky above you supporting you and blessing you. We know the difficulties you are going through, but believe us when we tell you you are almost at the finish line. A new beginning for humanity is right around the corner. This is the golden age when you experience goodness beyond your imagination. This we assure you. We love you and we are sending you and your family blessings, blessings and more blessings and so much love. We bid you well on this day. The Pleiadians.”
Message 1/23/2021 PART 2: You see as a divine child of the light you are imbued with a plethora of gifts given to you by the Creator, for indeed you are a mirror image of the One. This makes you divine royalty. You are a divine soul filled with magnificent, luminous and lovely light and a heart center that beats to the rhythm of the universe as it connects to all that is good.
We want you to remember who you are. You are powerful, you are truth, you are light, you are love and you are divine wisdom who came here with a specific purpose to add to the greater good of humanity and to the all. In order to best accomplish this purpose of living in goodness and in doing so contributing to the greater good of all you have to remember your authentic selves. You have to think beyond the reflection you see in the mirror when you look at yourself because you are so much more than this physical vessel. If only you could see you as we see you. If only you could see you as the Creator sees you.
With this higher frequency spiritual view of self, all tears will be wiped away for all you will know is love. Love is the universal vibration. It is the kingpin holding creation together. The problem that existed in 3D reality for humanity is the flow of love that is omnipresent was blocked from your viewpoint so that all you could see was a reality that was largely devoid of love, the vibration of spirit.
Of course there were times when most humans could feel love; the birth of a child, a wedding, the loving eyes of a pet and many other times there are opportunities to feel loved. Most of humanity has felt this vibration. However, the issue is the time in which humanity spends in this love vibration pales in comparison to when humanity is in the lower frequencies such as fear, anger, guilt, shame etc.
It is time to reverse the flow of energy, to increase the individual and collective frequency and to get back on the escalator of love energy. It is time to put your feet into the river of the field of consciousness, the ever flowing, everlasting love energy of the Creator. This is what your awakening will result in. You will take your feet from the 3D reality you live in and immerse yourself into the river of the unifying unified field of consciousness where there is love flowing in the most beautiful river you will ever see.
In this higher frequency of love you will feel happiness and joy like you have never felt before. It is like taking those moments of love that you’ve experienced in this lifetime and expanding them to last for weeks, months, years, ages. This is what is in humanity’s future. As the old world falls away and all those lower frequencies of 3D reality are no longer, you will be flowing in the field of love. How wonderful is that we ask you?
This is the future of humanity where you all live your days immersed in the frequency of love, joy, happiness and spiritual fulfillment. So we ask that whenever you see or hear or feel negativity to remember the words we have told you. Remember from our vantage point in the sky we can see the bigger picture of planet earth. We can see a planet once shrouded in torrents of dark energy transform into an illuminated sphere of golden light. This is the light of the Creator. This is the love of the Creator being anchored into planet earth to create a new 5D reality, heaven on earth, the golden age of enlightenment. This is a world of unlimited possibilities, one in which humanity lives in love and in peace.
We are here with you always assisting you in your remembrance of your greatness, assisting you in realizing the goodness the future holds for humanity. We are sending you so much love and blessings, blessings and more blessings for you and your families. We bid you well on this day. The Pleiadians.”